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In the afternoon on April 12, trainees from integrated practice activity international training class of Shenzhen University received projecting learning and training in our school. Principal Chen Xianping gave a splendid and high-quality lecture, trainees actively interacted with principal Chen and applauded continuously.

     With the deepening of new curriculum reform, project learning, which is a new teaching model, has attracted more and more attention from educators. Project-based learning is a teaching model that students carry out long-term open studies based on a complicated theme originated from real situations and meticulous design and consequently construct significance of knowledge and enhance their abilities.   

     Yucai Fourth Primary School leads the trend. In the last semester, teachers and students from Yucai Fourth Primary School carried out a vivid project learning activity. Students of all grades participated in project learning activities titled “Bridge”, “Bougainvillea spectabilis Willd”, “Snail”, “Kite”, “Water Resource” and “Spinning Top”. They experienced in happiness, studied in exploration and benefited a great deal. Principal Chen explained the profound in simple terms and introduced constitutive characteristics, key points, essential characteristics and teaching procedures of project learning based on project learning cases which were carried out under his instruction and experience in overseas exchange and visit. Students listened with keen pleasure, raised their hands for questions frequently and discussed with principle Chen. 

In order to enable trainees to feel “cooperative teaching and real learning” of project learning, principal Chen divided trainees into groups. Each group set a theme and designed course of the theme through brainstorming. Then, principal Chen asked a few teachers to join in group discussions. They shared experience in project learning with trainees passionately.

 Principle Chen emphasized that project learning is a student-oriented integrated cooperative learning style, which requires students to carry out cooperative research, address inquiries and conduct empirical researches in the learning process, enables students to learn to study and cooperate while acquiring knowledge and skills, cultivate their ability to discover and solve problems and enjoy the joy of exploration. It is an active cooperative learning style which enables students learn to operate and join and have endless fun and realizes “real learning and cooperative teaching”. Trainees were deeply impressed by principal Chen’s appetency and original educational intelligence. Trainees benefited a lot from this project training.